FUN FACTS: Liquorice or licorice is the common name of Glycyrrhiza glabra, a flowering plant of the bean family Fabaceae from the root of sweet, aromatic flavouring is extracted. Licorice root is fifty times sweeter than sugar.
Christmas favourites. Sold in our shoppe.
Liquorice all sorts-bite size layers of flavours. Strategically placed vertically for a pack of orange, lime, banana and raspberry deliciousness in every bite.
Black Herbal Liquorice bites are specifically made with a Chinese herbal extract- Glycyrrhiza Glabra. Similar to Ginseng which is used in Chinese herbal medicine. Small amounts consumed delight the palate.
Raspberry Bites-Raspberry chewy bite sized logs are soft yet chewy and perfect anytime, anywhere.
Irish Moss-Round jubes with a gentle taste of aniseed and covered with hundreds and thousands.
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